Querschnitt zweier Arbeiterhäuser, Nottingham, ca. 1844 IMG
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Wellcome Images, CC-BY 4.0
Wellcome Images, CC-BY 4.0
Plans and pictures of back-to-back houses in Nottingham (Ausschnitt), Kupferstich, ca. 1844; Bildquelle: G. B. Roy, Commission on the state of large towns, First Report, London 1844, vol. 1, S. 341, Wellcome Images, Photo number: L0011651, http://wellcomeimages.org/indexplus/image/L0011651.html, Creative Commons Attribution only licence, CC BY 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

Cross-section through two working-class houses in Nottingham, 1844
Querschnitt zweier Arbeiterhäuser, Nottingham, ca. 1844
Räume der Arbeit: Von der frühneuzeitlichen Werkstatt zur modernen Fabrik@Werkstatt und Fabrik@(BE)@freigabe
Work Spaces: From the Early-Modern Workshop to the Modern Factory@Workshop and Factory@(BE)@freigabe