A ioyfull medytacyon to all Englonde of the coronacyon of our moost naturall souerayne lorde kynge Henry the eyght
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Reproduced by kind permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library
Reproduced by kind permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library
Stephen Hawes (gest. 1523?), A ioyfull medytacyon to all Englonde of the coronacyon of our moost naturall souerayne lorde kynge Henry the eyght, Holzschnittillustration eines Einblattdrucks, London 1509; Bildquelle: Cambridge University Library, Short-title catalogue, no. 12953. Reproduced by kind permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library. https://idiscover.lib.cam.ac.uk/permalink/f/16u99e0/44CAM_ALMA21281938630003606
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