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Al-Andalus: Moorish Spain and the Stages of the Reconquista Al-Andalus: Moorish Spain and the stages of the Reconquista, map, 2003, creator: Ernst Klett Verlag, in: Hans Ulrich Rudolf / Vadim Oswalt: Taschenatlas ... by Ernst Klett Verlag — last modified Dec 07, 2023 Home → en → mediainfo → Al-Andalus: Moorish Spain and the Stages of the Reconquista Home → en → Threads → Backgrounds → Religion Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Border Regions → Mediterraneum@Mediterraneum@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → Alliances and Treaties → Transfer of Military and Naval Technology 1325–1650@Transfer of Military Technology@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Religious and Confessional Spaces Home → en → Threads → Europe on the Road → Forced Ethnic Migration → Expulsion of the Muslims from Spain@Expulsion of the Muslims from Spain@(BE)@freigabe Tomb of the Gerer Rebbe Avraham Mordechai Alter Tomb of the Gerer "Rebbe" Abraham Mordechai Alter (1866–1948) in Jerusalem, colour photograph, 2010, photographer: Matthias Morgenstern; source: in private ... by Matthias Morgenstern — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Tomb of the Gerer Rebbe Avraham Mordechai Alter Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Religious and Confessional Spaces → Hasidism: A Mystical Movement Within Eastern European Judaism@Hasidism@(BE)@freigabe The Gaon of Vilnius (Rabbi Elijah ben Shlomo Zalman; 1720–1797) Portrait of the Gaon of Vilnius, 1915, unknown artist; source: Wikimedia Commons,, ... by unknown artist; photographer: Chesdovi — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → The Gaon of Vilnius (Rabbi Elijah ben Shlomo Zalman; 1720–1797) Home → en → Threads → European Networks → Jewish Networks → Enlightenment Jewish Style: The Haskalah Movement in Europe@Haskalah Movement@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Religious and Confessional Spaces → Hasidism: A Mystical Movement Within Eastern European Judaism@Hasidism@(BE)@freigabe Pierre Le Cazre (1589–1664), Physica Demonstratio, title page, 1645, Paris Pierre Le Cazre (1589–1664), Physica Demonstratio, title page, 1645, Paris; Digitisation: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek, Niedersächsische ... by Pierre Le Cazre (1589–1664) — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Pierre Le Cazre (1589–1664), Physica Demonstratio, title page, 1645, Paris Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Knowledge Spaces → The Boundaries of Science / Pseudoscience@Pseudoscience@(BE)@freigabe Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856–1915) Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856–1915), Schwarz-weiß-Photographie, undatiert, unbekannter Photograph; Bildquelle: Wikimedia Commons, ... by unbekannter Photograph — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → de → Media Info → Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856–1915) Home → de → Threads → Modelle und Stereotypen → Modell Amerika → Amerikanisierung der europäischen Wirtschaft nach 1880@Amerikanisierung der Wirtschaft@(BE)@freigabe Home → de → Threads → Crossroads → Arbeit, Freizeit, Technik → Räume der Arbeit: Von der frühneuzeitlichen Werkstatt zur modernen Fabrik@Werkstatt und Fabrik@(BE)@freigabe Structure of the Lutheran Church in Electoral Saxony in 1580 The typical structure of a Lutheran state church (Electoral Saxony), diagram, unknown creator, 1987; source: Jedin, Hubert / Latourette, Kenneth Scott / ... by unknwon creator; text: Heinrich Richard Schmidt — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Structure of the Lutheran Church in Electoral Saxony in 1580 Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Religious and Confessional Spaces Julie, ou la Nouvelle Héloïse (1761) Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778), Julie, ou la Nouvelle Héloïse, Paris 1878, Illustration, unbekannter Künstler, Digitalisat: W. C. Minor; Bildquelle: ... by unbekannter Künstler , Digitalisat: W. C. Minor , Text: Christina Müller — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → de → Media Info → Julie, ou la Nouvelle Héloïse (1761) Home → de → Threads → Crossroads → Grenzregionen → Der Alpenraum@Alpenraum@(BE)@freigabe Lorenzo the Magnificent Receives the Tribute of the Ambassadors Giorgio Vasari (1511–1574), Lorenzo il Magnifico riceve i tributi dagli ambasciatori (Lorenzo the Magnificent Receives the Tribute of the Ambassadors), 280 x ... by artist: Giorgio Vasari (1511–1574) — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Lorenzo the Magnificent Receives the Tribute of the Ambassadors Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Courts and Cities → Literary and Artistic Metropolises@Metropolises@(BE)@freigabe "The West": A Conceptual Exploration@"The West"@(BE)@freigabe This article explores the transformation of the directional concept "the west" into the socio-political concept "the West". From the early 19th century onward, ... by Riccardo Bavaj — last modified Apr 22, 2021 Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Political Spaces and Ideas of Regional Order → "The West": A Conceptual Exploration@"The West"@(BE)@freigabe Home → de → Threads → Crossroads → Politische Räume und Raumvorstellungen → "The West": A Conceptual Exploration@"The West"@(BE)@freigabe German Invasion of the Crimea, 1942 A bust of Lenin with a warning notice, Crimea, black-and-white photograph, 1942, photographer: Horst Grund (1915–2001); image source: Deutsches Bundesarchiv, N ... by EGO-Redaktion — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → German Invasion of the Crimea, 1942 Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Border Regions → The Northern Black Sea Region@Northern Black Sea@(BE)@freigabe Previous 10 items 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 81 Next 10 items DC Metadata