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Gerhard Johann David von Scharnhorst (1755–1813) Friedrich Bury (1763–1823), Gerhard David von Scharnhorst (1755–1813), black and white reproduction of an oil painting, ca. 1810; source: Schulze, Friedrich ... by Oil on canvas: Friedrich Bury — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Gerhard Johann David von Scharnhorst (1755–1813) Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → Alliances and Treaties → Transfer of Military Organizations and Institutions@Transfer of Military Organizations and Institutions@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → War as an Agent of Transfer → Conscription Home → de → Threads → Bündnisse und Kriege → Krieg als Motor des Transfers → Conscription Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → War as an Agent of Transfer → Conscription → Levée en Masse@Levée en Masse@(VE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → War as an Agent of Transfer → The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars@Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars@(BE)@freigabe Konfessionskriege der Frühen Neuzeit@Konfessionskriege der Frühen Neuzeit@(BE)@vorankündigung by Christopher Voigt-Goy — last modified Nov 21, 2024 Home → de → Threads → Bündnisse und Kriege → Krieg als Motor des Transfers → Religionskriege* → Konfessionskriege der Frühen Neuzeit@Konfessionskriege der Frühen Neuzeit@(BE)@vorankündigung Vittorio De Sica, Ladri di biciclette Vittorio De Sica, Still from the film "Ladri di biciclette" ("Bicycle Thieves"), 1948; source: Wikipedia (Italian), upload: sconosciuto, ... by Vittorio De Sica — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Vittorio De Sica, Ladri di biciclette Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → War as an Agent of Transfer → The Transformative Impact of World War II@World War II@(BE)@freigabe Home → [···] Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821) Jacques-Louis David (1748–1825), The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries, oil on canvas, 204x125 cm, 1812; source: National Gallery of Art, Samuel ... by Oil on Canvas: Jacques-Louis David — last modified Oct 19, 2023 Home → en → mediainfo → Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821) Home → en → Threads → Models and Stereotypes → From the "Turkish Menace" to Orientalism → "Contra Turcos": The Church in the Discourse regarding the 'Turkish Threat'@Church and 'Turkish Threat'@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → Alliances and Treaties → Transfer of Military Organizations and Institutions@Transfer of Military Organizations and Institutions@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Europe and the World → Arts Home → de → Threads → Europa und die Welt → Künste Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Legal Families → Codification Movements@Codification Movements@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Europe and the World → European Overseas Rule → Transfer of European legal norms Home → en → Threads → European Networks → Jewish Networks → Jewish Emancipation in the 18th and 19th Centuries@Jewish Emancipation@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → European Networks → Dynastic Networks → Personal Union and Transfer: Great Britain and Hanover, 1714–1837@Personal Union and Transfer@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Border Regions → The French-German Borderlands: Borderlands and Nation-Building in the 19th and 20th Centuries@French-German Borderlands@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Legal Families → Romance Legal Family@Romance Legal Family@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Models and Stereotypes → Anglophilia → Ossian, the European National Epic (1760-1810)@Ossian@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Europe on the Road → Educational Journey, Grand Tour → Artist Journeys: The Example of Egypt@Artist Journeys@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Political Spaces and Ideas of Regional Order → Reich@Reich@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Europe and the World → Knowledge Transfer → Russia and Europe (1547–1917)@Russia and Europe (1547–1917)@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → War as an Agent of Transfer → Conscription Home → de → Threads → Bündnisse und Kriege → Krieg als Motor des Transfers → Conscription Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → War as an Agent of Transfer → The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars@Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Europe on the Road → Political Migration (Exile) → French Revolution and Migration after 1789@Revolution and Migration after 1789@(BE)@freigabe Oberstleutnant Hallewell nach getaner Arbeit Roger Fenton (1819–1869), Oberstleutnant Hallewell nach getaner Arbeit, Kollodium-Photographie, 1854; Bildquelle: Courtesy of George Eastman House, ... by Roger Fenton — last modified Jul 27, 2023 Home → de → Media Info → Oberstleutnant Hallewell nach getaner Arbeit Home → de → Threads → Bündnisse und Kriege → Krieg als Motor des Transfers → Das Bild des Krieges: Der Krimkrieg (1853–1856)@Krimkrieg@(BE)@freigabe David Lloyd George (1863–1945) Harris & Ewing, David Lloyd George (1863–1945), black-and-white photograph, 1919; source: Library of Congress LC-USZ62-8054. ... by Harris & Ewing — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → David Lloyd George (1863–1945) Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → Alliances and Treaties → Collective Security@Collective Security@(BE)@freigabe Collective Security@Collective Security@(BE)@freigabe In 1918, President Wilson's support for a new international system offered the first practical opportunity to create a universal organisation of states pledged ... by Alan Sharp — last modified Mar 18, 2024 Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → Alliances and Treaties → Collective Security@Collective Security@(BE)@freigabe Home → de → Threads → Bündnisse und Kriege → Allianzen und Verträge → Collective Security@Collective Security@(BE)@freigabe Mustafa Reşid Paşa (c. 1800 – c. 1858) Mustafa Reşid Paşa (c. 1800 – c. 1858), lithograph?, 1906, unknown artist; source: Wright, John Henry: A history of all nations from the earliest times, ... by unknown artist; Digitalisation: Virginia H. Aksan — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Mustafa Reşid Paşa (c. 1800 – c. 1858) Home → en → Threads → Models and Stereotypes → From the "Turkish Menace" to Orientalism → Islam-Christian Transfers of Military Technology, 1730–1918@Islam-Christian Transfers of Military Technology@(BE)@freigabe Grenzübergang Bornholmerstraße Berlin, Grenzübergang Bornholmerstraße, black-and-white-photograph, 1989, photographer: Hans Peter Lochmann; source: Deutsches Bundesarchiv via Wikimedia ... by EGO-Redaktion — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Grenzübergang Bornholmerstraße Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → War as an Agent of Transfer → The Transformative Impact of World War II@World War II@(BE)@freigabe Home → [···] Saxon Gardes du Corps, ca. 1806 Saxon Gardes du Corps, coloured aquatint supposedly by or after Aster, 28.5 x 24.5 cm., 1806; source: Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection, Brown University ... by Coloured Aquatint: Aster — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Saxon Gardes du Corps, ca. 1806 Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → War as an Agent of Transfer → The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars@Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars@(BE)@freigabe Previous 10 items 1 ... 19 20 21 22 23 Next 4 items DC Metadata