Gabriel Harvey (ca. 1550–1630)
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Gabriel Harvey (ca. 1550–1630), Holzschnitt, England, 16. Jahrhundert, unbekannter Künstler, in: Nashe, Thomas: Haue vvith you to Saffron-vvalden: Or, Gabriell Harueys hunt is vp Containing a full answere to the eldest sonne of the halter-maker: Or, Nashe his confutation of the sinfull doctor: The mott or posie, in stead of omne tulit punctum: pacis fiducia nunquam: As much to say, as I sayd I would speake with him, Printed at London: By Iohn Danter, 1596, Digitalisat: Paul Barlow; Bildquelle: Wikimedia Commons,, gemeinfrei.