Lorenzo the Magnificent Receives the Tribute of the Ambassadors

erstellt von artist: Giorgio Vasari (1511–1574) last modified 2020-05-25T11:28:14+02:00
Palazzo Vecchio Museum, Florence
Giorgio Vasari (1511–1574), Lorenzo il Magnifico riceve i tributi dagli ambasciatori (Lorenzo the Magnificent Receives the Tribute of the Ambassadors), 280 x 345 cm, 1556–1558, location of the original: Palazzo Vecchio Museum, Florence. Used in accordance with D.L. n. 83 del 31/5/2014, convertito in L. n. 106 del 29/7/2014 permitting the educational and non-profit use of images of artworks from Italian state museums.

Lorenzo the Magnificent Receives the Tribute of the Ambassadors IMG

Lorenzo de' Medici (1449–1492) was the de facto ruler of the Florentine Republic. Known as Lorenzo the Magnificent (Lorenzo il Magnifico) in his lifetime, he was a magnate, diplomat and politician. He is also notable as a patron of scholarship and the arts, supporting artists such as Botticelli and Michelangelo. His death coincided with the end of the Golden Age of Florence.

Vasari’s painting shows Lorenzo receiving tributes from ambassadors, both from other Italian states and from foreign powers.

Giorgio Vasari (1511–1574), Lorenzo il Magnifico riceve i tributi dagli ambasciatori (Lorenzo the Magnificent Receives the Tribute of the Ambassadors), fresco, 280 x 345 cm, 1556–1558, location of the original: Palazzo Vecchio Museum, Florence. Used in accordance with D.L. n. 83 del 31/5/2014, convertito in L. n. 106 del 29/7/2014 permitting the educational and non-profit use of images of artworks from Italian state museums.

Künste, Medien, Kommunikation
1490 - 1499, 1470 - 1479, 1480 - 1489, 1450 - 1459, 1460 - 1469

Lorenzo Magnificent Receives Tribute of
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