Heinrich Heine (1797–1856)

by drawing: Franz Theodor Kugler (1808–1858) , scan: Gabor last modified 2023-04-27T09:17:38+01:00
Wikimedia Commons
Franz Theodor Kugler (1808–1858), Portrait of Heinrich Heine (1797–1856), drawing, 1829, Scan: Gabor; image source: Müller-Baden, Emanuel (ed.): Bibliothek des allgemeinen und praktischen Wissens zum Studium und Selbstunterricht in den hauptsächlichsten Wissenszweigen und Sprachen, Berlin 1905, vol. 5, p. 115; Wikimedia Commons, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Heinrich_Heine.jpg, not subject to licence.

Heinrich Heine (1797–1856) IMG

Heinrich Heine, the German poet and publicist, studied law in Bonn, Göttingen and Berlin. In 1825, he converted to the Protestant religion. After travelling through England and Italy, he worked as a correspondent for the Allgemeine Zeitung (Augsburg) from April 1831 onward in Paris, where he lived up to his death.


Franz Theodor Kugler (1808–1858), Portrait of Heinrich Heine (1797–1856), drawing, 1829, Scan: Gabor; image source: Müller-Baden, Emanuel (ed.): Bibliothek des allgemeinen und praktischen Wissens zum Studium und Selbstunterricht in den hauptsächlichsten Wissenszweigen und Sprachen, Berlin 1905, vol. 5, p. 115; wikimedia commons, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Heinrich_Heine.jpg, not subject to licence.


Central Europe, Western Europe
Media Description
1830 - 1839, 1790 - 1799, 1810 - 1819, 1800 - 1809, 1850 - 1859, 1840 - 1849, 1820 - 1829

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German, English
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