Francis Xavier (1506–1552)

by unknown artist last modified 2022-10-24T14:29:06+02:00
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Kobe City Museum
Portrait of Francis Xavier (1506–1552), beginning of the 17th century, unknown artist; source: with the kind permission of the Kobe City Museum, Japan.

Portrait von Franz Xaver (1506–1552), Anfang des 17. Jh., unbekannter Künstler; Bildquelle: Mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Kobe City Museum, Japan.

This portrait of Francis Xavier (also: Francisco de Xavier/Francisco de Gassu y Javier/Francisco de Jassu y Azpilcueta) painted by a member of a Japanese-Christian painting school dates from the beginning of the 17th century. The portrait depicts the typical iconographical characteristics of Xavier: the cross brings together the flaming heart and the open heavens, or contemplation and action.

Portrait of Francis Xavier (1506–1552), beginning of the 17th century, unknown artist; source: with the kind permission of the Kobe City Museum, Japan.

Non-European World
Agents, Intermediaries, Religion, Migration, Travel
Media Description
1550 - 1559, 1540 - 1549, 1500 - 1509, 1520 - 1529, 1530 - 1539, 1510 - 1519

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German, English
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Franz Xaver (1506–1552) IMG