Evangelischer Männer- und Jünglingsverein Ohlau

by unknown artist last modified 2021-05-20T16:22:25+01:00
Contributors: unknown artist

Wikimedia Commons, public domain
Evangelischer Männer und Jünglingsverein Ohlau – Fahnen, hand-colorized card, 1908, unknown artist; source: Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:09826-Ohlau-1908-Evangelischer_M%C3%A4nner_und_J%C3%BCnglingsverein_-_Fahnen-Br%C3%BCck_%26_Sohn_Kunstverlag.jpg, public domain.

Evangelischer Männer- und Jünglingsverein Ohlau IMG

Jünglingsvereine (Young men's associations) but also Jungfrauenvereine (Virgins' associations) were founded in many places in Germany at the beginning of the 19th until the beginning of the 20th century. These associations were mainly connected to the Protestant revival movement.This image of a postcard from 1908 shows two banners of the Evangelische Männer- und Jünglingsverein Ohlau (Protestant men's and young men's association Ohlau). The blue banner on the left bears the inscription "Eine feste Burg ist unser Gott" (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God). The name Evangelischer Männer- und Jünglingsverein Ohlau is visible on the green banner on the right. It also bears a reference to the founding year of the association: "gegründet 1894" (founded in 1894).

Evangelischer Männer- und Jünglingsverein Ohlau – Fahnen, hand-colorized card, 1908, unknown artist; source: Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:09826-Ohlau-1908-Evangelischer_M%C3%A4nner_und_J%C3%BCnglingsverein_-_Fahnen-Br%C3%BCck_%26_Sohn_Kunstverlag.jpg, public domain.

Central Europe
Social Matters, Society, Religion
Media Description
1900 - 1909, 1890 - 1899

Evangelischer Männer und Jünglingsverein Ohlau
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