Jean-Baptiste Vanmour (1671–1737), Ambassador Cornelis Calkoen, ca. 1727–1730

by Jean-Baptiste Vanmour (1671–1737) last modified 2021-11-08T14:44:48+02:00
Contributors: Jean-Baptiste Vanmour (1671–1737)

Rijksmuseum, public domain
Jean-Baptiste Vanmour (1671–1737), Ambassador Cornelis Calkoen in Audience with Sultan Ahmed III, September 14, 1727, oil on canvas, c. 1727–1730; source: Rijksmuseum,, public domain.

Jean-Baptiste Vanmour (1671–1737), Ambassador Cornelis Calkoen, ca. 1727–1730 IMG

The painting by the Flemish-French artist Jean-Baptiste Vanmour (1671–1737) shows an audience of the Dutch diplomat and ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Cornelis Calkoen (1696–1764), with Sultan Ahmed III (1673–1736). The sultan is portrayed on his throne; four princes stand to his left while the ambassador makes a statement. He will then present a gift to the sultan. The audience took place on September 14, 1727 in the sultan's private chambers. The ambassador and his retinue were dressed in brilliant caftans, which was not only a sign of hospitality, but also served to cover the clothing of the "infidels."

Jean-Baptiste Vanmour (1671–1737), Ambassador Cornelis Calkoen in Audience with Sultan Ahmed III, September 14, 1727, oil on canvas, c. 1727–1730; source: Rijksmuseum,, public domain.

Non-European World
Social Matters, Society, Politics, Agents, Intermediaries
Media Description
1720 - 1729

Jean-Baptiste Vanmour Ambassador Cornelis Calkoen
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German, English
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