Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart (1739–1791)

by Copper engraving: Ant[on] Karcher (1760–1842); painting: Lohbauer; photography: Hans-Peter Haack last modified 2020-05-25T11:28:14+02:00
Wikimedia Commons (Some Rights Reserved Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany)
Ant[on] Karcher (1760–1842), Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart (1739–1791), copper engraving based on a drawing by Lohbauer, Germany, 1791, photographer: Hans-Peter Haack; source: Schubart, Christian Friedrich Daniel: Leben und Gesinnungen: Von ihm selbst im Kerker aufgesezt, Stuttgart 1791, vol. 1, frontispiece, Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Some Rights Reserved Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany.

Schubart Test IMG

Musical director at the Württemberg court since 1769, Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart was expelled from Württemberg in 1773 because of his moral conduct and his criticism of the nobility and clergy. In 1774, he founded the Deutsche Chronik in Augsburg, whose sharp polemics again led to his expulsion, which meant that he had to continue the journal in Ulm from 1775. He also published political lyrics (Die Fürstengruft, 1786; Kaplied, 1787), prose (Zur Geschichte des menschlichen Herzens, 1775) and writings on musical theory (Ideen zu einer Aesthetik der Tonkunst, ed. 1806). In 1777, Schubart was tricked into entering Württemberg territory, arrested and sentenced to ten years imprisonment. After he was released, he became the theatrical and musical director at the Württemberg court.

Ant[on] Karcher (1760–1842), Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart (1739–1791), copper engraving based on a drawing by Lohbauer, Germany, 1791, photographer: Hans-Peter Haack; source: Schubart, Christian Friedrich Daniel: Leben und Gesinnungen: Von ihm selbst im Kerker aufgesezt, Stuttgart 1791, vol. 1, frontispiece, Wikimedia Commons,

Creative Commons Some Rights Reserved Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany.

Central Europe
Arts, Agents, Intermediaries, Media, Communication
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1780 - 1789, 1760 - 1769, 1740 - 1749, 1770 - 1779, 1750 - 1759

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German, English
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CC by-nc-nd 3.0 Germany - Attribution, Noncommercial, No Derivative Works
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