Bust of Albrecht Dürer

by Unknown artist last modified 2020-05-26T08:59:03+02:00
Collections Museum Vleeshuis, Antwerpen
Bust of Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528), sandstone, inscription: "Germanorum Decus" (an ornament to the Germans), ca. 1545–1554, artist: Willem van den Broecke; source: MAS Antwerpen, photographers: © Bart Huysmans & Michel Wuyts, Collection Museum Vleeshuis, Antwerp, https://dams.antwerpen.be/asset/utQgjxMEHRNqNZ5kQBAM71ts, free open data license.

Büste Albrecht Dürers (1471–1528), Sandstein, Inschrift: „Germanorum Decus“ (Zierde der Deutschen), nach 1550, (AV.5920.1-2); unbekannter Künstler; Bildquelle: Collections Museum Vleeshuis, Antwerpen. http://www.antwerpen.be/eCache/ABE/38/991.Y29udGV4dD04MDM0MDQ4.html

This bust of Albrecht Dürer, which was originally attached to the facade of the Amsterdam painters' guildhall, memorialises Dürer's visit to the Netherlands (1520/1521). The inscription declares the artist to be "an ornament to the German people".

Bust of Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528), sandstone, inscription: "Germanorum Decus" (an ornament to the Germans), ca. 1545–1554, artist: Willem van den Broecke; source: MAS Antwerpen, photographers: © Bart Huysmans & Michel Wuyts, Collection Museum Vleeshuis, Antwerp, https://dams.antwerpen.be/asset/utQgjxMEHRNqNZ5kQBAM71ts, free open data license.


Central Europe, Western Europe
Arts, Social Matters, Society
Media Description
1470 - 1479, 1480 - 1489, 1490 - 1499, 1500 - 1509, 1510 - 1519, 1520 - 1529

No image
German, English
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Büste Albrecht Dürers IMG