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Louis XIV of France (1638–1715) Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598–1680), bust of Louis XIV (1638–1715), white marble, 1665, location of the original: Diana Salon, Versailles, photographer: Louis le ... by bust: Gianlorenzo Bernini , photography: Louis le Grand , photography: Louis le Grand — last modified Nov 27, 2023 Home → en → mediainfo → Louis XIV of France (1638–1715) Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → Alliances and Treaties → Transfer of Military Organizations and Institutions@Transfer of Military Organizations and Institutions@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Theories and Methods → Cultural Transfer Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Border Regions → The French-German Borderlands: Borderlands and Nation-Building in the 19th and 20th Centuries@French-German Borderlands@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Backgrounds → European Encounters → Oriental Despotism@Oriental Despotism@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Backgrounds → Nature and Environment Home → en → Threads → Backgrounds → Nature and Environment → Land@Land@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Models and Stereotypes → Versailles Model Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → Alliances and Treaties → The Grand Alliances@The Grand Alliances@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Models and Stereotypes → Versailles Model → Enlightenment Philosophy@Enlightenment Philosophy@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Europe on the Road → Economic Migration Home → en → Threads → European Networks → Intellectual and Academic Networks Home → en → Threads → European Networks → Economic Networks → Armenian trade networks@Armenian trade networks@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → European Media → European Media Events → The "South Sea Bubble", 1720@South Sea Bubble@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Models and Stereotypes → From the "Turkish Menace" to Orientalism → Literary transfers between the Orient and the West, 17th–20th century@East West Literary Transfers@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Backgrounds → Courts / Dynasties "Contra turcos". Die Kirche im Diskurs um die 'Türkengefahr'@Kirche und 'Türkengefahr'@(BE)@freigabe Seit der Eroberung Anatoliens durch türkische Stammeskrieger unter der Führung des seldschukischen Prinzen Suleiman ibn Kutalmiş Ende des 11. Jahrhunderts ... by Mariano Delgado — last modified Jul 06, 2023 Home → de → Threads → Modelle und Stereotypen → 'Türkengefahr' - Exotismus / Orientalismus → "Contra turcos". Die Kirche im Diskurs um die 'Türkengefahr'@Kirche und 'Türkengefahr'@(BE)@freigabe De Staalmeesters 1662 Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606–1669), De Staalmeesters, Öl auf Leinwand, 1662; Bildquelle: © Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. by Ölgmälde: Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → de → Media Info → De Staalmeesters 1662 Home → de → Threads → Modelle und Stereotypen → Europäische Kleidermode (1450–1950) Les Noces de Pélée et de Thétis Israël Silvestre (1621–1691), Stich nach François Francart, Les Noces de Pélée et de Thétis, 1. Akt, 3. Szene, 1654; Bildquelle:, ... by François Francart; Stich: Israël Silvestre — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → de → Media Info → Les Noces de Pélée et de Thétis Home → de → Threads → Modelle und Stereotypen → Modell Versailles → Französische Musik@Französische Musik@(BE)@freigabe Model Europe@Model Europe@(ÜB)@freigabe The term "Model Europe" refers to a decision made against the background, and as the result, of the devastating conflicts of the 20th century, to create a ... by Heinz Duchhardt — last modified Jan 28, 2021 Home → en → Threads → Models and Stereotypes → Model Europe Globe Theatre in Neuss, Germany Neusser Globe Theatre, colour photograph, 2007, photographer: Stadt Neuss – Kulturamt; source: Wikimedia Commons, ... by photographer: Stadt Neuss, Kulturamt — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Globe Theatre in Neuss, Germany Home → en → Threads → Models and Stereotypes → Anglophilia → Shakespeare@Shakespeare@(BE)@freigabe Illustration for Samuel Richardson's Clarissa 1785 Daniel Chodowiecki (1726–1801), illustration for Samuel Richardson's Clarissa, copper engraving, 1785; source: Richardson, [Samuel]: Clarisse Harlowe: ... by Copper engraving: Daniel Chodowiecki (1726–1801) — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Illustration for Samuel Richardson's Clarissa 1785 Home → en → Threads → Models and Stereotypes → Anglophilia Plakat zur Volksabstimmung über das Minarettverbot in der Schweiz, Herbst 2009 Plakat zur Volksabstimmung über das Minarettverbot in der Schweiz, Grafik, unbekannter Künstler; Bildquelle: Initiativ-Komitee "Gegen den Bau von Minaretten". by unbekannter Künstler — last modified Sep 29, 2022 Home → de → Media Info → Plakat zur Volksabstimmung über das Minarettverbot in der Schweiz, Herbst 2009 Home → de → Threads → Modelle und Stereotypen → 'Türkengefahr' - Exotismus / Orientalismus James Bryce (1838–1922) Portrait of James Bryce (1838–1922), black-and-white photograph, 1914; source: Current History of the War, New York, 1914, unknown photographer; source: The ... by unknown photographer — last modified Sep 19, 2022 Home → en → mediainfo → James Bryce (1838–1922) Home → en → Threads → Models and Stereotypes → Anglophilia → British and American Constitutional and Democratic Models (18th–20th Century)@British and American Constitutional Models@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Europe and the World → Model America Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689–1762) Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689–1762), Lithographie, unbekanntes Jahr, Künstler: A. Devéria nach C. F. Zincke; Bildquelle: Wellcome Collection, ... by A. Devéria nach C. F. Zincke — last modified Jul 13, 2023 Home → de → Media Info → Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689–1762) Home → de → Threads → Modelle und Stereotypen → 'Türkengefahr' - Exotismus / Orientalismus → Istanbul als Drehscheibe frühneuzeitlicher europäischer Diplomatie@Istanbul als Drehscheibe frühneuzeitlicher europäischer Diplomatie@(BE)@freigabe Home → de → Threads → Crossroads → Grenzregionen → Der Balkan → Der "Balkan" in deutschsprachigen Reiseberichten (ca. 1800–1880)@Balkan Reiseberichte@(VE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Models and Stereotypes → From the "Turkish Menace" to Orientalism → Istanbul as a hub of early modern European diplomacy@Istanbul as a hub of early modern European diplomacy@(BE)@freigabe Previous 10 items 1 ... 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Next 10 items DC Metadata