Sort order Creator Date published (newest first) Relevance Title Did you not find what you were looking for? Try the Advanced Search to refine your search. Search results 439 items matching your search terms. Advertisement for Cortina d'Ampezzo, ca. 1920 Advertisement for the winter sports resort Cortina d'Ampezzo in the Italian Dolomites, Ente Nazionale per le Industrie Turistiche, coloured engraving, 100 x 68 ... by unknown artist — last modified Feb 13, 2025 Home → en → mediainfo → Advertisement for Cortina d'Ampezzo, ca. 1920 Home → en → Threads → Europe on the Road → Tourism Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Work, Leisure, Technology → Leisure Time and Technology@Leisure Time and Technology@(BE)@freigabe Pyramides de Memphis, Vue générale des pyramides et du sphinx prise au soleil couchant Pyramides de Memphis: Vue générale des pyramides et du sphinx prise au soleil couchant, unknown artist, in: M. (Edme-François) Jomard (1777–1862) (ed.), ... by Unknown artist — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Pyramides de Memphis, Vue générale des pyramides et du sphinx prise au soleil couchant Home → en → Threads → Europe on the Road → Educational Journey, Grand Tour → Artist Journeys: The Example of Egypt@Artist Journeys@(BE)@freigabe Quelle: Beschwerde des Magistrats Frankfurt a. O. an das Reichsministerium des Innern in Berlin bezüglich russlanddeutscher Zuwanderer, 10.12.1921@Quelle: Beschwerde des Magistrats Frankfurt a.O.@(VE)@freigabe Am 6. Dezember 1921 erreichte ein Eisenbahntransport mit rund 400 Flüchtlingen Frankfurt an der Oder. Es handelte sich um Wolgadeutsche, die wegen der ... by Jochen Oltmer — last modified Jun 09, 2020 Home → de → Threads → Europa unterwegs → Arbeitsmigration, Wirtschaftsmigration → "Heimkehr"? "Volksdeutsche fremder Staatsangehörigkeit" → Quelle: Beschwerde des Magistrats Frankfurt a. O. an das Reichsministerium des Innern in Berlin bezüglich russlanddeutscher Zuwanderer, 10.12.1921@Quelle: Beschwerde des Magistrats Frankfurt a.O.@(VE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Europe on the Road → Economic Migration → "Heimkehr"? "Volksdeutsche fremder Staatsangehörigkeit" → Quelle: Beschwerde des Magistrats Frankfurt a. O. an das Reichsministerium des Innern in Berlin bezüglich russlanddeutscher Zuwanderer, 10.12.1921@Quelle: Beschwerde des Magistrats Frankfurt a.O.@(VE)@freigabe Annual emigration from Ireland 1852–1910 Irial Glynn, Annual emigration from the island of Ireland 1852–1910, diagram, 2010; source/figures: Registrar General for Ireland. by Irial Glynn — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Annual emigration from Ireland 1852–1910 Home → en → Threads → Europe on the Road → Economic Migration → Emigration Across the Atlantic: Irish, Italians and Swedes compared, 1800–1950@Emigration Across the Atlantic@(BE)@freigabe Siesta during a Summer Retreat 1887 Siesta during a summer retreat, black-and-white illustration based on an original drawing by Edouard John E. Ravel (1847–1920); source: Die Gartenlaube: ... by Illustration: Edouard John E. Ravel — last modified Feb 13, 2025 Home → en → mediainfo → Siesta during a Summer Retreat 1887 Home → en → Threads → Europe on the Road → Tourism Somerset House Somerset House, colour photograph, 2006, photographer: Ham; source: Wikimedia Commons, ... by Ham — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Somerset House Home → en → Threads → Europe on the Road → Educational Journey, Grand Tour → Palladianism: From the Italian Villa to International Architecture@Palladianism@(BE)@freigabe Das Bec Dauphin und das Perosatal A. Pittavino, Das Bec Dauphin und das Perosatal, Karte, 1966; Bildquelle: Pittavino, A: Storia di Pinerolo e del Pinerolese, Mailand 1966, mit freundlicher ... by Karte: A. Pittavino — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → de → Media Info → Das Bec Dauphin und das Perosatal Home → de → Threads → Europa unterwegs → Christliche Konfessionsmigration → Reformierte Konfessionsmigration: Die Waldenser in Südwestdeutschland (1699–1823)@Reformierte Konfessionsmigration: Waldenser@(BE)@freigabe Migration from the Colonies to Western Europe since 1800@Migration from the Colonies@(BE)@freigabe Colonialism not only stimulated more than 60 million Europeans to migrate overseas, it also brought millions of Asians, Africans and Amerindians to Europe. In ... by Pieter C. Emmer , Leo Lucassen — last modified May 02, 2024 Home → en → Threads → Europe on the Road → Economic Migration → Migration from the Colonies to Western Europe since 1800@Migration from the Colonies@(BE)@freigabe Home → de → Threads → Europa unterwegs → Arbeitsmigration, Wirtschaftsmigration → Migration from the Colonies to Western Europe since 1800@Migration from the Colonies@(BE)@freigabe Members of the University in Exile 1933 Members of the University in Exile, black-and-white photograph, Times Wide World Photos, 1933; source: New York Times, 4 October 1933. by Times Wide World Photos — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Members of the University in Exile 1933 Home → en → Threads → Europe on the Road → Political Migration (Exile) → Emigration 1933–1945/1950@Emigration 1933–1945/1950@(BE)@freigabe Literarische Reisen nach Italien@Reisen nach Italien@(BE)@freigabe Egal ob Reiseberichte oder Romane, ob historische oder zeitgenössische Werke, hochliterarische oder populäre Bücher – der Topos "Italien" findet sich in ... by Sandra Vlasta — last modified Jan 18, 2024 Home → de → Threads → Europa unterwegs → Kavalierstour – Bildungsreise – Grand Tour → Literarische Reisen nach Italien@Reisen nach Italien@(BE)@freigabe Previous 10 items 1 ... 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ... 44 Next 10 items DC Metadata