Sort order Creator Date published (newest first) Relevance Title Did you not find what you were looking for? Try the Advanced Search to refine your search. Search results 346 items matching your search terms. Model America@Model America@(ÜB)@freigabe Early on, the USA – "America" – became a point of reference within European consciousnesses against which European societies could analyse themselves. At the ... by Marcus Gräser — last modified Mar 07, 2024 Home → en → Threads → Europe and the World → Model America Home → en → Threads → Models and Stereotypes → Model America Carl Peters (1856-1918) Porträt Dr. Carl Peters mit Gewehr, Schwarz-Weiß-Photographie, 1880, unbekannter Photograph, Scherl Bilderdienst; Bildquelle: Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German ... by Photographie: Scherl Bilderdienst — last modified Jul 13, 2023 Home → de → Media Info → Carl Peters (1856-1918) Home → de → Threads → Hintergründe → Kolonialismus und Imperialismus Ein Paradies für Experten? Über die Integration Russlands in die frühneuzeitliche Wissensgesellschaft@Integration Russlands@(VE)@freigabe by Andreas Renner — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → de → Threads → Europa und die Welt → Wissens- und Wissenschaftstransfer → Europäisierung Russlands? Reception of the First Division of Polish Heroes 1832 C. M. Thum, Empfang der ersten Abtheilung polnischer Helden an dem Gemeinde Haus zu Neustadt a/H. Abends den 19ten Januar 1832, lithography, without date [ca. ... by lithography: C. M. Thum — last modified Apr 27, 2023 Home → en → mediainfo → Reception of the First Division of Polish Heroes 1832 Home → en → Threads → Europe and the World → Knowledge Transfer → Russia and Europe (1547–1917)@Russia and Europe (1547–1917)@(BE)@freigabe Claude Lorrain (1604–1682), Ein Seehafen bei aufgehender Sonne, 1674 Claude Lorrain (1604–1682), Ein Seehafen bei aufgehender Sonne, Öl auf Leinwand, 73 x 97,5 cm, 1674; Bildquelle: Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Alte ... by Claude Lorrain (1604–1682) — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → de → Media Info → Claude Lorrain (1604–1682), Ein Seehafen bei aufgehender Sonne, 1674 Home → de → Threads → Europa unterwegs → Kavalierstour – Bildungsreise – Grand Tour → Künstlerreisen: Das Beispiel Ägypten@Künstlerreisen@(BE)@freigabe Reisen in Central-Afrika 1859 Titelvignette Reisen in Central-Afrika, Stich, 1859, unbekannter Künstler; Bildquelle: Schauenburg, Eduard (Hg.): Reisen in Central-Afrika von Mungo Park bis ... by unbekannter Künstler — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → de → Media Info → Reisen in Central-Afrika 1859 Cult Image of the Virgen de Guadalupe (Mexico City) Virgen de Guadalupe, unknown artist; source: Wikimedia Commons,, public domain. by unknown artist — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Cult Image of the Virgen de Guadalupe (Mexico City) Home → en → Threads → Europe and the World → Mission → Catholic Mission@Catholic Mission@(BE)@freigabe Expatriation Lists 1933–1938 Source: Gesamtverzeichnis der Ausbürgerungslisten 1933–1938, zusammengestellt und bearbeitet von Carl Misch (complete index of expatriation lists 1933–1938, ... by Carl Misch — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Expatriation Lists 1933–1938 Home → en → Threads → Europe on the Road → Political Migration (Exile) → Emigration 1933–1945/1950@Emigration 1933–1945/1950@(BE)@freigabe Catherine the Great (1729–1796) J. Miller, Catherine II, Czarine of Russia, engraving, date unknown. Source: Wellcome Library, London, Slide number 6170, ... by J. Miller — last modified Oct 16, 2023 Home → en → mediainfo → Catherine the Great (1729–1796) Home → en → Threads → Europe on the Road → Jewish Migration → Ashkenazi Jews in Early Modern Europe Home → en → Threads → Models and Stereotypes → Russification / Sovietization → Russification / Sovietization in Culture and Society@Culture and Society@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → European Networks → Jewish Networks → Jewish Emancipation in the 18th and 19th Centuries@Jewish Emancipation@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Border Regions → The Northern Black Sea Region@Northern Black Sea@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → European Networks → Christian Networks → Theological Networks of Orthodoxy@Theological Networks of Orthodoxy@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → European Networks → Dynastic Networks → The Dynastic Marriage@Dynastic Marriage@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → European Media → European Media Events → American Revolution Home → en → Threads → Models and Stereotypes → Versailles Model Home → en → Threads → Europe and the World → Mission → Orthodox Mission@Orthodox Mission@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Europe and the World → Mission Home → en → Threads → Europe and the World → Knowledge Transfer → Russia and Europe (1547–1917)@Russia and Europe (1547–1917)@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → War as an Agent of Transfer → The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars@Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Models and Stereotypes → From the "Turkish Menace" to Orientalism → Ottoman History of South-East Europe@Ottoman History of South-East Europe@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Europe on the Road → Jewish Migration → East and South-East European Jews in the 19th and 20th Centuries@East and South-East European Jews@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Models and Stereotypes → Anglophilia → Shakespeare@Shakespeare@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Knowledge Spaces → Salon@Salon@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Backgrounds → Courts / Dynasties Home → en → Threads → European Networks → Christian Networks → Networks of the Kyiv Mohyla Academy@Kyiv Mohyla Academy@(BE)@vorankündigung Die Schlacht von Poltava Charles Simono, Die Schlacht von Poltava zwischen der russischen und der schwedischen Armee am 27. Juni 1709, Radierung mit Stahlstich und Wasserfarben, ... by Charles Simono — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → de → Media Info → Die Schlacht von Poltava Home → de → Threads → Crossroads → Politische Räume und Raumvorstellungen → Imperien und "composite states" in der Frühen Neuzeit@Imperien und "composite states"@(BE)@freigabe Home → de → Threads → Europa und die Welt → Wissens- und Wissenschaftstransfer → Russland und Europa in der Epoche des Zarenreiches (1547–1917)@Russland und Europa 1547–1917@(BE)@freigabe Home → [···] Home → [···] Previous 10 items 1 ... 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Next 10 items DC Metadata