Sort order Creator Date published (newest first) Relevance Title Did you not find what you were looking for? Try the Advanced Search to refine your search. Search results 224 items matching your search terms. Produktionslinie des Volkswagen Käfer Wolfsburg, VW Autowerk, Käfer, Schwarz-Weiß-Photographie, 22. Januar 1973, Photograph: Lothar Schaack; Bildquelle: Bundesarchiv, B 145 Bild-F038788-0014, ... by Photograph: Lothar Schaack — last modified Aug 08, 2024 Home → de → Media Info → Produktionslinie des Volkswagen Käfer Home → de → Threads → Hintergründe → Transport und Verkehr Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) Dante Alighieri (1265–1321), colour photograph of a marble statue, unknown sculptor, Florence, 2005, photographer: JoJan; source: Wikimedia Commons, ... by sculpture: unknown artist; photographer: JoJan — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Courts and Cities → Literary and Artistic Metropolises@Metropolises@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → Alliances and Treaties → Collective Security@Collective Security@(BE)@freigabe Schlacht bey Jena 1806 Die Schlacht bey Jena, ca. 1806, unbekannter Künstler; Bildquelle: Schulze, Friedrich (ed.): Die Franzosenzeit in deutschen Landen 1806–1815: In Wort und Bild ... by unbekannter Künstler — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → de → Media Info → Schlacht bey Jena 1806 Home → de → Threads → Bündnisse und Kriege → Allianzen und Verträge → Transfer militärischer Organisationen und Institutionen@Transfer militärischer Organisationen und Institutionen@(BE)@freigabe Home → de → Threads → Bündnisse und Kriege → Krieg als Motor des Transfers → Conscription → Levée en Masse@Levée en Masse@(VE)@freigabe Die Schlacht von Dreux am 19. Dezember 1562 Die Schlacht von Dreux am 19. Dezember 1562, Kupferstich mit deutscher Legende, 36 x 49,5 cm, undatiert, unbekannter Künstler; Bildquelle: Base de données ... by unbekannter Künstler — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → de → Media Info → Die Schlacht von Dreux am 19. Dezember 1562 Die "Declaration of Independence" in Europa (1776–1815)@"Declaration of Independence"@(VE)@freigabe Der in Philadelphia seit 1775 tagende Zweite Kontinentalkongress veröffentlichte am 4. Juli 1776 den Beschluss, dass sich 13 nordamerikanische Kolonien von dem ... by Thomas Froeschl — last modified Apr 29, 2024 Home → de → Threads → Europäische Medien → Europäische Medienereignisse → Amerikanische Revolution → Die "Declaration of Independence" in Europa (1776–1815)@"Declaration of Independence"@(VE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → European Media → European Media Events → American Revolution → Die "Declaration of Independence" in Europa (1776–1815)@"Declaration of Independence"@(VE)@freigabe Bavarian Infantry Soldier Ludwig Scharff, Bavarian Infantry Soldier (13. Lin. Inf. Rgt. 1 Gren. König 1806), watercolour, 25.6 x 51.5 cm, 19th century; source: Anne S.K. Brown Military ... by Watercolour: Ludwig Scharff — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Bavarian Infantry Soldier Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → War as an Agent of Transfer → The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars@Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars@(BE)@freigabe German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, Moscow, 23 August 1939 Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov signs the German-Soviet non-aggression pact, Joachim von Ribbentrop and Josef Stalin stand behind him, Moscow, black-and-white ... by unknown photographer — last modified Dec 14, 2023 Home → en → mediainfo → German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, Moscow, 23 August 1939 Home → en → Threads → Transnational Movements and Organisations → Internationalism → The Internationalization of Sport@Internationalization of Sport@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → Alliances and Treaties Home → en → Threads → Crossroads → Border Regions → Northeastern Europe@Northeastern Europe@(BE)@freigabe Augustin Heckel, The Battle of Culloden 1746 Augustin Heckel (1690–1770), The Battle of Culloden, line engraving on paper, 47.60 x 32.10 cm; Bildquelle: National Galleries of Scotland, ... by Augustin Heckel — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → Augustin Heckel, The Battle of Culloden 1746 Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → Warfare (1450–1789) Home → en → Threads → Europe on the Road → Confessional Migration A Meeting of the League of Nations in 1926 Deutschlands Eintritt in den Völkerbund: Die erste Sitzung des Völkerbundes im Reformationssaal in Genf, black-and-white photograph, 1926, photographer: Georg ... by Georg Pahl — last modified Dec 18, 2023 Home → en → mediainfo → A Meeting of the League of Nations in 1926 Home → en → Threads → Transnational Movements and Organisations → Internationalism → The League of Nations@League of Nations@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Transnational Movements and Organisations → Internationalism Home → [···] Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → Alliances and Treaties Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → Alliances and Treaties → Collective Security@Collective Security@(BE)@freigabe British and French Prisoners of War 1914 British and French soldiers in German captivity, black-and-white photograph, 1914, unknown photographer; source: Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal ... by unknown photographer — last modified May 25, 2020 Home → en → mediainfo → British and French Prisoners of War 1914 Home → en → Threads → Transnational Movements and Organisations → International Religious and Humanitarian Movements → YMCA: Its birth, expansion and activities up to 1955@YMCA@(BE)@freigabe Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → Alliances and Treaties Home → en → Threads → Alliances and Wars → War as an Agent of Transfer → Prisoners and Detainees in War@Prisoners in War@(BE)@freigabe Home → [···] Home → en → Threads → Transnational Movements and Organisations → International Religious and Humanitarian Movements → Red Cross and Red Crescent@Red Cross and Red Crescent@(BE)@freigabe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 23 Next 10 items DC Metadata