Victory over the Portuguese fleet off Bantam, Indonesia

erstellt von unknown artist last modified 2022-05-19T16:08:25+02:00
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, public domain.
Victory over the Portuguese fleet off Bantam, Indonesia, in 1601, copper engraving, ca. 1608–1610, unknown artist; source: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam,, public domain.

Victory over the Portuguese fleet off Bantam (Indonesia) IMG

This engraving from 1601 shows the naval battle for Bantam (25-30 December 1601) when the Dutch admiral Wolfert Hermansz with five ships defeated the Portuguese fleet of thirty ships.

Victory over the Portuguese fleet off Bantam, Indonesia in 1601, copper engraving,
ca. 1608–1610, unknown artist; source: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam,, public domain.

Außereuropäische Welt, Westeuropa
Militär, Wirtschaft, Technologie
1600 - 1609

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