Evolution of Old Dissent IMG
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By permission of Oxford University Press.
By permission of Oxford University Press.
Evolution of Old Dissent (Stemma des Old Dissent). Grafik aus: Michael R. Watts, The Dissenters: From the Reformation to the French Revolution, Bd. I, Oxford 1978, S. 6, Abb. 1. By permission of Oxford University Press.
Dissenter und Nonkonformisten – Phänomene religiöser 'Abweichung' zwischen den britischen Inseln und dem europäischen Kontinent@Dissenter und Nonkonformisten@(BE)@freigabe
Dissenters and Nonconformists: Phenomena of Religious Deviance Between the British Isles and the European Continent@Dissenters and Nonconformists@(BE)@freigabe
Evolution of Old Dissent
Evolution of Old Dissent